Double Diptych

To paraphrase Pogo, Throwback Thursday come on a Tuesday this week.

I couldn’t resist posting this pair of photos.

    Part One: The Cookie Boys

First the father:

cookie boy 2                               Myles posing in front of a giant gingerbread person. He/she actually looks a little menacing. . .

And then the son:

coookie boy 1                                                   Hello. My name is Fenton. You ate my father. Prepare to die.

Well, I don’t really think Fenton is in the revenge business; he just went for it with this gingerbread cookie.


    Part Two: Santa, Maybe

Myles spends a day with his Nana, ending with a visit to St. Nick (who looks like he’s ready for his break).

M and Santa

Several days ago, Fenton sits on the old guy’s lap too:

F and Santa                                                Fenton lucked out in the Santa department. This is one class act!


But this time, the grandma stays in the picture:

R and Santa


Again with the Pogo: Deck us all with Boston Charlie. . . Fa la la la la la la la la!

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