Category Archives: Zero to Sixty in One Year

More fun with kids

I’m loving these old pictures, except for the perm. Really, really, bad choice for the hair.  But Halloween…now that was fun! Scary, but not as scary as that perm Give me your tired, your poor, and your candy! I bet Myles still wishes he had this hat Finishing touches on the strawberry girl  Slightly outContinue Reading

Gradual School, Part 1

Here’s what  I expected when I applied to graduate school at what was then known as California State University Hayward:  I would gradually get a master’s degree in counseling. I raced through Cal at lightning speed, taking a mere nine years to get a B.A., so I figured with my current situation of having twoContinue Reading

Is it true what they say?

Couples who have been together for a long time start to look alike. I don’t see it, but…

The Golden Age of Florence

That would be Florence Avenue in Oakland.We moved to the house on the hill with the big backyard on Halloween weekend in 1980, just a few weeks before my first son was born.Those were the days of miracle and wonder…and Jazzercize… and Sesame Street. Dancin’ and BBQ’n in the street  Even at the time, weContinue Reading

Poxy Lady

Somehow, I managed to avoid getting chicken pox during my childhood. Never thought much about it, since I suffered through measles, mumps, appendicitis, tonsillitis, head lice, two broken arms, pneumonia, allergy shots, and a few hard knocks on the head. I thought I’d caught a break.  However. One day, my three-year-old daughter comes home fromContinue Reading

Movin’ on again

My rules, so I can break ’em. I need a couple more days before I really move on to the next five years. So, in no particular order, a few extra things I need to pack into this five-year span: We were fortunate to have friends and family who really stepped up during the timeContinue Reading

So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for…

…that baby to be born already! Halloween. Not too much longer… October rolled around and the little strawberry and I went to a Halloween parade in San Francisco. Just a few more weeks to go! Spirits were high, preparations were made. Just waiting….But, alas, my November 25th due date came and went. Sure, I’d heardContinue Reading

Life With Baby

Babies. Once they’re here, it’s hard to remember what life was like before. Life? Before?? Who can remember? Caitlin, in the pink–but still in the hospital– at 4 months My husband and I  moved to a new city ten days before my due date, so not only was I living in an unfamiliar neighborhood afterContinue Reading


You know how you have a little bit of something good left over and you stick it in the fridge thinking you’ll save it for a treat later and then you sort of forget about it, but not for too long, and then you find it again and it’s kind of a nice surprise?So, thisContinue Reading

…this is the sun’s birthday

1977. What a crazy year it had been: Elvis died in August, kids went nuts over Star Wars, Jimmy Carter scared everyone talking about the energy crisis, and there was a drought in California.  Here it was December and it hadn’t rained in months. And ten days before my due date, we moved from AlbanyContinue Reading