Category Archives: eyebrows

In which our plucky heroine triumphs over her arch nemeses

Actually, this post is about eyebrows. My eyebrows, to be specific. It’s the saga of one woman’s struggle to get these damn things looking right, finally.

Here’s my story:

The evidence was there all along. Looking at the old photos, it seems inevitable: my eyebrows would become the bane of my existence with their propensity to propinquity and their flamboyant excess. It took me a mere 60 years to find salvation at the hands of an eyebrow wizard named Erica. Hallelujah!

The facts:

Exhibit A. Even in first grade, the signs point to excess browage.

trouble begins

Exhibit B. By second grade, the left and right are on a path to meet in the middle.

second grade brows

 Exhibit C. By 7th grade. . . we have contact! The Golden Eyebrow Spike!  How many different directions can these hairs grow? I earn the sobriquet “My Wild Eyebrows Rose.” (My sister reminds me of this every now and again.)

7th grade brows                                                  The horror, the horror


Exhibit D. One strategy: If you can’t beat ’em, hide ’em with bangs. (Never mind what I had to go through to get my bangs this straight.)

hidden brows


Exhibit E. High school shaping: Wrong, wrong, wrong.

high brows

 Exhibit F. The too-thin backlash. If only my hair could hide them.

thin brows

 Over the years, through thick and thin, I tried electrolysis, waxing, and even more draconian measures to ward off “unibrow” and settle on a reasonable shape.

Exhibit G.  No, the perm doesn’t help either.

perm 2

I was never really satisfied, but basically gave up on achieving the ideal arch I’d been searching for most of my life. I mean, while doing other things and actually HAVING a life. . .

And then, about a year ago, I asked a friend with lovely brows what her secret was. Hers were tamed, well-shaped and just right for her face. “Benefit Brow Bar,” she said.

And those three little words changed my whole look–and my outlook.

The nice young woman at Macy’s coached these rebellious brows of mine to regrow in the right places, and she’s been keeping them in shape for me ever since. I use a Benefit product  to keep ’em in line and fill in a few thin spots. No more wild eyebrows for me!

It’s a little win, but one I’m very happy about.

current brows 3Ta da!