Having Fun: The Evidence

Defying gravity and modesty at the same time

The technlology isn’t perfect and I’m far from it. So this is just an adjunct to the last post with proof of my enthusiasm for not giving a damn and trying to do a cartwheel in a dress.
My grandfather loomed large in our lives. Grampa Mike gets his own post, coming up soon. He was always there for our birthdays and holidays, and he always brought a flat of eggs. It’s a long story. And I want to tell it, as much as I can remember, for all of us cousins and our kids. The eggs, the bar, the sock story, the motels, the stale bread, the oranges, Petaluma, Turk Street…all to come in the months ahead.

At my birthday party, with my cousin, my mom, my grandpa and a big pile of presents!!

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