What else is there to say? Have a wonderful holiday!
What else is there to say? Have a wonderful holiday!
Remember clippings? When friends or relatives would see something in the paper—an article, a recipe, a letter in Dear Abby—and they would cut it out and send it to you, perhaps with a little note attached: “Thought you’d get a kick out of this,” or, “Wouldn’t the kids love these cookies?” Or maybe the article… Continue Reading
I missed the date, November 20, this year, but just by a few days. Giving thanks today for the memories and for good friends. (This is part two of an earlier post I published a while ago…) The Moms in the Mountains, continued. In my imagination, I can take the trip with my friends… Continue Reading
After another tough week of daily blogging, how about a break (I asked myself)? Go for it, I said. How about another recipe? I needed to look it up anyway, so. . . The Meyer lemon tree has cooperated this year, so if all goes well, this will be my contribution for Thanksgiving. We love… Continue Reading
Madeleine gets to play in a bigger pile than her mom and uncle did–but it’s still a lot of fun. Back in the day… Lots of leaves in Central NY! More about Leaves:I’ve written about some special leaves before– how I used to bring out my collection every year to scatter around the table at… Continue Reading
Friday, a school day. Just a week after my 12th birthday. Perhaps I would have put on a skirt and blouse that day, along with one of my prized mohair sweaters. I begged for mohair sweaters for months and had two of them finally. So I might have worn the red one, the cardigan, over… Continue Reading
It’s sweater weather around here. Time to revisit this old yarn. . . The gray yarn looked scratchy, like an old man’s stubble. Betty, my friend Debbie’s mother, had knitted it into an almost-finished sweater. Two strands, twisted together, the heavy braided cables and stitches in row after row of pattern. I can’t remember why… Continue Reading
What is Writin’ on Empty? The long subtitle of the book explains it all: “Parents Reveal the Upside, Downside, and Everything in Between When Children Leave the Nest.” I’m proud to be one of three mothers who brought this book into the world in 2008. My co-editors, Joan and Julie, met through the empty nest discussion… Continue Reading
I’m participating in a Generation Fabulous bloghop. Our topic for today is “Summer Songs.” Favorite, most memorable, whatever makes it feel like summer every time you hear it. I knew right away which song I would choose. Out of curiosity, I checked to see when the song first came out.Why was I so shocked to… Continue Reading
My dad was a teacher, and like many outstanding teachers, he never took time off from teaching. Sure, there were vacations and summers, but he was always on the job. If no students were around, he always had my sister and me. I put together some of his most important lessons, which I called “Sam… Continue Reading